S02E04 When We Share We Care

Heart Based Medicine
Heart Based Medicine
S02E04 When We Share We Care

In today’s episode, Prof Dr Jan Bonhoeffer and Dr Daniel Dinenberg are excited to talk to Dr Lou Anne Wellford and her son Alex who is about to start his residency training in New Orleans.

The topic? How can patients’ stories provide special insight into the medical world…

Practising emergency medicine for over thirty years has taught Dr Wellford about the emotional impact of illness and trauma upon its victims. This life experience has led her to complete her first book about a young woman’s heart transplant and the unlikely relationships that develop as she rebuilds her life. She has begun working on her second book.

REACH OUT TO OUR GUEST: Website www.louannewellfordmd.com | LinkedIn @LouanneWellford | Twitter @WellfordLoumd | Facebook @LouAnneWellfordAuthor

SPONSORED BY: Dare To Care: How to Survive & Thrive in Today’s Medical World. Get your copy from Amazon here today!

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LEARN MORE ABOUT: Dr Dan Dinenberg | Website www.drdandinenberg.com | LinkedIn @DanielDinenbergMD | Instagram @drdandinenberg

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